media sites most of the time lag behind Ws Numbers List peers who are better informed and more knowledgeable on many issues. The Ws Numbers List ratio of misinformation on the Web is too much to put a figure to. The spread of news, mostly Ws Numbers List unverified and unauthentic, is rampant and there is no process to check the growth of websites, blogs and other forums that provide
information and supposedly unsolicited Ws Numbers List advice on a host of topics from careers to personal relationships, lifestyle habits Ws Numbers List and nutritional health supplements, medical bulletins and many more. People tend Ws Numbers List to lean on the belief that whatever information is there on the Net, it must be authentic, which is not always the case. 4. The total absence of one-on-one communication
between families, friends and colleagues Ws Numbers List is seen as direct fallout of social media usage. People use technology to convey views Ws Numbers List and messages and generally anything that they are unable to say face to face from Ws Numbers List behind the cover of a tech gadget, leading to miscommunication and misunderstanding. What can be simply but effectively said in